Beauty essentials

Beauty essentials !


beauty essentials
beauty essentials

Hey people, how have you been? I just got back from a quick two days visit to Kushtia. It was refreshing, fun filled trip and I met many new people too. I had traveled extensively and been to beautiful places. After coming back from the trip, I am just sleeping, having tons of tea and restoring my skin that got sun burnt, accumulated huge amount of dust and what not. While I was cleaning and moistening my face this morning, I decided to share the things lately I have been using. I have been using these items for the past one year. I can say, finally I have found my products that helps control the oil, blemishes, acne and also helped giving me a healthy fresh skin.

I love buying toiletries and skin products. Discovering new products are my favourite pass time. I am a huge fan of Bodyshop and Lush when it comes to toiletries. Their oil and acne control items have been my savior. As I always try to discover new products, in the past many times it happened that, I chose a wrong one and got messed up totally. I particularly remember this one time few years back, I suddenly bought some skin care products and started using them instantly. After few days, I had a break out of acne and my skin became rough. I looked very unhealthy and as a result I became depressed. It happened many times with me, as I am whimsical; I try new products without giving much thought in it. I just go for things by their name and highlighted features without thinking much. Though I love bodyshop, but their tea tree doesn’t suit me. However I have realized this after spending a lot of money, time reading reviews and sacrificing my skin.

My best friends.. [ Beauty essentials ! ]
My best friends..
Now, with age, I have learned to say no, to many things. Now I don’t rush into things that don’t suit me or I am skeptic about. I read product details, I read reviews, I read magazines and then decide, to go for something. Finally after many experiments, heart breaks, financial loss I have been able to find a range of products that suit me and helps my skin.

Among them I would say, bodyshop’s seaweed range is one of the best. I have used many items and can say, all the items did, what it promised. Seaweed night treatment, seaweed mask, pore perfector are the things I used. My skin seemed to have liked them all.

Seaweed products [ Beauty essentials ! ]
Seaweed products
I also use Lush’s cosmetic warrior and herbalism. These two are my everyday beauty soldiers. Every night before I go to bed I wash my face with herbalism and use the cosmetic warrior mask. It has been absolutely magnificent in controlling oil, acne and restores the glow I never had. I would say, these two are undoubtedly my best beauty finding.

I have already in my last makeup post said I am not much of a make up person. I have reason for being so. I hate cleaning my face afterwards. This is one of the most tiresome, gruesome works in the entire world. Whenever I think of cleaning I lose my interest to makeup. However I used to use all sorts of random cleaning creams found in our stores. That also had a major role to play in my bad skin days. But recently for last few months, I use bodyshop’s vitamin E cleanser. It has a nice smell and very gentle on my skin. It cleanse very thoroughly as well. I like.

I use bodyshop’s drops of youth concentrate. I must say, for oily skin like mine, moisturizing is a great deal. Nothing has suited me in the past. But this item was a blast and gave me enough moisture, protected my skin from excess oil and also helped in controlling acne with a glow of youth that I very much need in my mid 30.

Bodyshop’s Chamomile unperfumed eye gel was once again one of my favourite item of all time. However I also use Fabindia’s aloe eye gel for under eyes and fabindia’s eye gel somehow helps me to sleep well. It cools my eye lids and I instantly fall asleep like magic.

eye solders [ Beauty essentials ! ]
eye solders
One another thing, I use is little bit of tea tree oil with my moisturizer or at times diluted with water with cotton, and dab some on my face, if I ever have acne break out. That too gives me lot of support to battle my acne problem. I am very happy with the present beauty regime and promise to stick to it as long as all these suit me and keep on giving me their best. Lastly, drinking lots of water will hydrate your skin from within and eating healthy has no short cut.

Photo: Author

[ Beauty essentials ! ]