[ Shelf gardening ]
Have you noticed, how these days the urban balcony gardens are growing vertically? In the limited space of the urban apartment buildings, vertical or shelf gardening is a great way to display your tubs. This gives you enough resources to work on your creativity and also let you use the small space in the most cleverest way possible.

The big ones are difficult to move, thus better if you want big ones, keep them in the balcony. In open balcony space, the plants will get enough sunlight and air and will keep fresh. This shelf can be used for various purposes as well. Take a shelf to do your garden works, like cleaning pots and keeping the tub while you plant in new tubs.

Different kinds of pots, bright colours, pretty lamps and other garden accessories can be used to brighten up the space. This vertical gardening has always been in the trend. But due to shortage of space I see it everywhere these days. If you want to grow some greens but thinking of space, consider vertical gardening. Add more green to your home, live happy.
Photo: Raffat Rashid, Aziza Ahmed