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Tea Ceremony: Office green tea

[ Tea Ceremony: Office green tea ]

My brother is out for a vacation and I am left alone to do the tea story for this week. As I have very little tea exposure, thus I have decided to talk about the green tea I drink in office. In fact it was the last bag of tea from that lot. My sweet colleague Shiropa gave me few bags of green tea few months back. I used to drink that, once in a while in office. Like most green teas, it was very refreshing and also had a strong taste.

In office we have real lousy milk tea, thus I either drink coffee (don’t tell my brother) or green tea, to be on the safe side. I find the after taste of a bad tea worst than any other taste in the world.

Kazi and Kazi green tea is a good choice to keep handy. Image source: Internet

I have no clue of the name, or the brand, but she said it was Chinese green tea; someone got this tea for her, from Malaysia. So, that is all I know of the tea. Usually I used the bags twice. It is pretty strong both in colour and flavour thus I could easily use it twice. It had a beautiful yellowish colour.

The colour gets brownish with time; it depends on the length of time you infuse the bag. I usually keep it in for 3 minutes at the best. I don’t like very strong tea. When you have the very first sip, you will have a very dry feeling in your mouth, some sort of Umami-ish taste. But slowly you get to adjust and you like it more.

Image source:

In office I also drink masala tea. These are packed in bags by Finlay Bangladesh. I don’t like the taste of the tea much; also the spices are not strong enough. One another tea I love to drink while I am in office in Twinnings Chamomile Tea. That is really invigorating. So, this is it for this week. Next time I will be back with something exotic. Have some green tea and keep yourself fresh.


[ Tea Ceremony: Office green tea ]

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