[ Tea Party ]
Those who read my blog already know I have a tea enthusiast brother. My younger brother Mishael loves tea, he is the tea connoisseur. On his last birthday I was thinking for a surprise treat. Tea sounded to be the best theme for him. I did everything related to tea. It wasn’t a very big party, rather a party of 8 people. Hence decorating a center table seemed too ambitious, for which I settled for trolley. Crochet mats, ribbons, buntings, flowers came handy for decorating the little space.

I decorated the trolley with homemade paper cut buntings and ribbons. The buntings were tea related cards available on the net with quotes on tea. I printed them black and white and cut them in small bunting size, attached them with a string and hung all around the trolley. Took one of the designs to print on a mug and on a t-shirt.

The menu was an ultimate tea lover’s dream. The birthday cake was made with Chamomile flavored tea infused with other herbs. Salty Chocolate Earl Grey tart was a bang on and finally tea bag shaped sugar cookies coated with chocolate. Last but not the least, spiced Chai Latte to accompany the desserts.

The final touch was given by my nephew, who made a small card for his father. That brightened up the entire trolley and our hearts at the same time. We celebrated right at mid night and on the following morning had the desserts with hot coffee. Birthdays not necessarily need to be big and fat. Small attempts made from the heart makes it more special.
Photo: Author.