Deviled egg

egg 2I have never made it before. But always they were a matter of interest to me. Today I had two of my favorite people coming in for tea, so I made these little devils just as an experiment and they turned out great. Of course I added my own little twist to the recipe. It is not the usual dijon and mayo deviled eggs. I had some Tahini in the fridge for few weeks now, so, I am kind of putting Tahini in more or less everything, I am preparing.

After hard boiling the eggs, you need to make it half and bring out the yolks. Smash the yolks with a fork gently so that it simply makes a smooth paste. With that I added little lemon juice, tahini, paprika, black pepper, mint leave chopped and little mayo. Yes, it has a different taste but it is so good. I could have added little peanut butter instead of the tahini but I will try peanut butter some other time. It was a great hit and I know for sure I am doing it for Eid. This is great as a table decoration, a great appetizer and of course stunningly striking.

Giving you the recipe here:

Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs


  • 4 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons tahini
  • 2 teaspoons cup mayonnaise
  • 1 Tbsp minced mint leaves
  • 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper
  • Paprika


1 First hard boil the eggs. Crack the egg shells while the eggs are cooling.

2 Peel the eggs. Using a sharp knife, slice each egg in half, lengthwise. Gently remove the yolk halves and place in a small mixing bowl. Arrange the egg white halves on a serving platter.

3. Smash the yolks with a fork and mix all the ingredients one at a time and put it in a piping bag. Just like you do the icing on a cupcake, do it similarly back in the white part of the eggs. Decorate with mint leaves, paprika and pepper.

4. Eat cold.

egg 3নাম ডেভিল হলেও খেতে ভীষণ মজার। আর সব থেকে বড় কথা বানানো অনেক সহজ। যদিও ম্যায়নিজ আর সরিষা দিয়ে করার নিয়ম, কিন্তু আমার অত নিয়ম ভাল লাগে কবে? তাই বাড়িতে যা ছিল তাই দিয়ে করে ফেললাম।

ডিম সেদ্ধ করে লম্বা করে দুই ফালি করে কেটে নিন। কুসুম আলাদা করে ভাল করে মিহিভাবে চটকে নিতে হবে। এর পর তাহিনি, ম্যায়নিজ, লেবুর রস, পুদিনা পাতা, পাপরিকা, গোল মরিচ লবণ  দিয়ে মেখে কাপ কেকের আইসিং এর মত করে ডিজাইন করে দিন। সাজাতে পারেন, পুদিনা পাতা, পাপরিকা আর গোল মরিচ দিয়ে।

Photo, styling and recipe: Author.