Kiss me please!

[ Kiss me please! ]

There are few things that I hate, yes, hate, having chapped lips is one of them. It is that time of the year when your lips will hurt; crack and putting lipstick will be difficult, only if you don’t take care. At times putting lip gels are not enough. Scrubbing them in shower time or before going to bed helps the chapped lips get rid of the dead skins and stay soft, supple in other word very kissable.

The ingedients

There is an easy and quick scrub recipe that you can make in a blink of an eye. All you need is little sugar, food colour, organic coconut oil, pure vanilla extract. 2 teaspoon full of sugar, a drop of yellow gel food colour, few drop of vanilla and oil as much as it takes to make a paste. The mixture needs enough oil but the sugar can’t drown in oil. 1 spoon is good enough. Mix all of them with your finger in a bowl and transfer into a container. I always save used ones, so I always have something I am looking for. The best thing about this scrub is, it is absolutely okay if some of it goes inside your mouth, it makes a great dessert anyways.

Kiss me please!
Kiss me please!

You can wrap it too and give it as gifts to your mom or sisters and friends. This makes a beautiful gift. I have added this in my night time beauty regime. I scrub my lips with it, in every 2 days and use Vaseline. Believe me you will love your lips more than ever.

princess wedding dresses
Wrap it and impress a friend.

As Valentine’s Day is almost here, take good care of the lips. 😀


[ Kiss me please! ]